- A Synoptic Survey of Current Trends and Vulnerabilities: Cyber Security Risk in IoT -based Cloud Computing
Dr. B. Mohamed Faize Basha, Dr. M. Mohamed Surputheen, Dr. O.S. Abdul Qadir , Dr. G. Ravi; Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous),Tiruchirappalli – 620020,
Tamilnadu, India, [Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620024],
Page No: 01-09
- Application of analytical tools used in recruitment for IT Industries
Mrs. G. Sreevani, Mrs. C. Supriya,Mrs. Ch. Siva Priya , School of Management, Anurag University ,Hyderabad
Page No: 10-29
- Environmental Psychology: Addressing climate change and promoting eco-friendly behaviors through psychological principles
Prof( Dr.) Riti Kumari; S.M.D. College, Punpun, PPU, Patna, Bihar
Page No: 30-41