A Peer Reviewed/ Referred Journal
An ISO 7021 : 2008 Certified Journal

Important Dates
Submission Last Date: Throughout the Year . Acceptance Status: In 24 Hours
Publication Period: Within 24hrs after receiving the publication fee
Submit Article At:
1. WZB – Berlin Social Science Center, Berlin
2. Université des Frères Mentouri Constantine, Algeria
3. Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, Germany
4. Universität Vechta, Germany
5. ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften,Germeny
Dr. Ugur Guven

Journal of Applied Science and Computations is an open-access journal publishing full-length of research papers and review-(survey) articles covering all subject that fall under the wide variety of science and technology, Medicine and Pharmacy. The journal is devoted towards broadcasting of knowledge related to the “Advance Research and Innovative Ideas” in the present world.
JASC Journal publishes original articles, research articles, review articles with top-level work from all areas of Engineering Research and their application including Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Chemical, Electronics, Mathematics and Geological etc. Researchers in all technology and engineering fields are encouraged to contribute articles based on recent research. Journal publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field of Engineering Research, and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject.
The vital role of JASC Journal in Medicine is to integrate updated information on physical and mental health care covering clinical practices, mechanisms of diseases, diagnosis and management, medical education, health care and public health policies and available organizations to all health professionals.
The main aim to provide a forum for Pharmacists to exchange information, promote better health management and encourage research attitude all over the world. It has a wide scope to publish peer reviewed research manuscripts in the developing field of pharmaceutical sciences.
JASC (ISSN 1076-5131 (Online)) is Approved by National Science Library (NSL), National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources (NISCAIR), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR)New Delhi, India.
Publish By: JASC
UGC Approved:41238
ISSN Online Number: 1076-5131
ISO 9001:2008: Certified
Frequency: 12 issues per Year
Discipline: Multidisciplinary
International License: CC BY-SA 4.0 License
License of E-Journal: JASC, India
Pulication Charges:
Indian Authors
Processing charges for your manuscript, hard copy of certificates and Hard Copy of journal paper: Rs 2000/-
Note: If author wants to receive full monthly issue hardcopy book, need to pay Rs 1000/- extra for each book.
Note: No limit on number of pages
Payment-Mode: Direct Deposite, NEFT, PAY U MONEY
International Authors
60 USD (online publication and e-certificate)
Note: No limit on number of pages
Payment-Mode: PayPal, Wire Transfer, Western Union
Why Publish In JASC?
UGC Approved – 41238
Scopus Suggested: Journal is already suggested to index in Scopus and SCI. Journals is under final review process for SCOPUS and updating as per the suggestion. Your paper credit will increase after the journal indexed in Scopus.
Rapid Publication: Average time [1-3 days] takes from submission to first decision and acceptance of manuscripts.
High Visibility: JASC is available via many university libraries. Articles are freely and easily available to anyone in developing countries. All articles can be accessed for free.
Open Access Option: JASC is part of online open, which allows authors to access published article anytime and anywhere.
Full Archive Available: Every issue of Journal of JASC is available online from volume 1 issue 1 to the latest published issue with month and year.
Publication Cost: Very normal charges with additional benefits to publish your articles.
Impact: A good impact views from all over countries like India, Unites states, Europe, Asia, etc…
- JASC is an Open-Access, peer reviewed International Journal
- We have Provide the prestigious academic journal reviewer’s team from various universities, colleges private or government sector, and Highly reputed company.
- It covers the full range of qualitative & effective research papers
- Download any article from the website for free of cost
- Simple steps for publication of research articles and review articles
- JASC is Open access journal for high indexing and promotion of your published papers
- Share free Knowledge and promote “Advance Research & Innovative Ideas”
- For any query email us on :,
- JASC is published as a Monthly published journal with 12 issues per year.
JASC Submissions Are Invited For
Topics Of Intrest For Submission Are Included,But Are Not Limited To The Following:
Arts, Social Sciences And Humanities
Biological & Medical Sciences
Management And Commerce
Agriculture And Veterinary Sciences
Physical Sciences And Environment
Dental Science
Integrative Medicine –Viz.
Biomedical Engineering
Medical Science
Healthcare- Viz.